Sunday, August 17, 2008

News of the day, week, month, I got it all.

Haven't blogged in a while. Has anyone noticed? I've been busy doing a whole lot of nothing. Pool finally finished so I try to take a dip in between the thunder storms that seem to frequent EVERY SINGLE DAY!! You'd think with our water shortage, our elected officials would be out every day with buckets collecting some of it but, tis not the case.

Haven't seen our water bill yet. It should be ridiculous. Did I mention we had a leak in the bathroom? It is fixed now to the tune of a few hundred. I should have been a plumber. He wasn't even here an hour. ::grrrr::

Went to my dear friend Heather's Buccaneer Bridal Shower today. Boy was that fun!! And talk about the haul!! She made out like a real Buccaneer!! It almost makes getting married look appealing. (almost) She got the coolest set of glasses; they look like they are melting. Be great for Mojito's. lol

Went to the surgeon for my checkup last week. I'm down a total of 63lbs so far. Maybe by the time the next 63 comes off, it will be super noticable. People say it is now but, truthfully, other than my face, I don't see it. I sometimes wonder if I ever will. I mean, I had this weight for ten years. I didn't think it affected my psyche but, you can never tell. (I see fat every where.) lol

I notice we are awaiting a hurricane down here. Gee, this is just so thrilling. They can't tell us yet how STRONG it will be or where it will make LAND FALL but, we have to prepare. For us that means, thinking about bringing in the dog's crates to the kitchen and maybe boarding some windows. The thing that always struck me funny about the later is that most of the time people loose their roofs. So having a window boarded up really doesn't do much to keep the rain and wind out once the old roof is gone. Hopefully the hurricane straps they used on our house when it was built will hold. Although the cheap bastages probably used inferior screws so the roof could take flight with the straps. That would surely not make my day.

My neighbors to the south, invested in fairly expensive covers for their windows even though their house is at least 20 plus years old and in need of a roof. Go figure. Actually, my concern is a reservoir we have in this county. They've been talking on the back pages of the newspaper about the cracks in it and how all the rain we have had is only making the condition worsen. Can you imagine what a hurricane packing torrential rain and 110 plus mile an hour winds would do? Huge flood. I don't know where this thing is but, I'm pretty sure I'm not close to it. I worry about my son and his wife though.

So far the baby kittens we rescued are doing superbly. All are litter trained and eating dry chow now. Unfortunately we are all hooked on them. This is why I hate getting involved with animals. I am such a target. I need to live in the country with a barn. Then it wouldn't matter.

Okay, this concludes my monthly update. I didn't mention all the trips to take my mother for bloodwork, pace maker check, cardiologist appointments, eye appointments, etc., Yep, we live at the doctor's offices these days. The only saving grace is that some of them actually have up to date magazines. Oh, and I forgot to mention that once you turn 50 you get to look forward to having your first colonoscopy. Lovely. Makes turning half a century all the more memorable. I managed to put it off for a year but, my doctor called me on it so now, I get to 'meet' with that doctor the end of this month. Apparently I will have to drink something different rather than the usual upteen gallons they normally require since I had gastric bypass and in no way could I drink that much. Lucky me, huh? As if THAT were the part of the ordeal one would be concerned about. And they say blondes have more fun...

1 comment:

Landlady of Fat said...

Congrats on losing the 63 lbs. Though I think I found them for you.

Just look at my ass.

Achoooooooooooo! Cute kitties. :)