Saturday June 28th was Gay Pride Festival in St Petersburg. Lori had to work so I drove over real early so I could get a close place to park. I was there so early that I watched the vendors freaking over things like power cords, extension cords, booth space, etc., Then one of Dane's friends met up with me and we waited in front of the booth my church MCC of Tampa was sharing. They didn't put up a booth on their own which was what I thought they were doing but, it worked out great. They joined with the two other churches and had a float in the parade. It was titled: Would Jesus Discriminate. They also had T-shirts with that on them, of which I bought one. Thought it would come in handy at some point.
There was a crowd of protestors. I think the newspaper said it was a small group. They left off how loud they were. Very conservative evangelical types. Telling us we were all going to burn in hell and were damned. Then they called some us names which I didn't hear but heard others saying that it wasn't right for them to do that and call themselves Christian, etc., I pretty much ignored them. I mean, they are their own kind of freak. Most conventional churches would probably call them extreme as well. Rev Phyllis Hunt said at the Sunday service the following day, that a lot of people approached the float and thanked the church for being there and how they handled the protestors. I mean, that float and shirt said a lot without literally saying it. The only issue I had was with this one protestor who was seperate from the others. He looked like a war veteran. He didn't have any legs, was riding in a motorized wheel chair with an American Flag flying, carrying a giant sign that said "Gay WHAT?" I don't know but that bothered me most of all. I've always heard from breeders how we are suppose to thank these men and women in the armed services for protecting our rights here. And I've always done that. Now here comes this one guy and it was as if he were saying, I didn't do this for any of you because you don't deserve it. I didn't talk to him and he didn't speak that I know of. Just kept riding up and down by the vendors.
I did take a few pictures. I thought I would take a lot but, I turned into a beads whore and well, you just can't do both. Also, I am computer challenged and I still haven't figured out the whole 'post a shitton of pics' capability yet.

The Dykes on Bykes
I have tried to finish this post numerous times and thanks to the lightening strikes, it has been a slow process.
I went with my son and his family on a short mini vacation last week and was able to spend real quality time with my Grandson Jullian. I have to say that guy has energy! He is now 16 months old and walks with a little attitude. Totally cracks me up. We spent all day Thursday at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon and he actually liked the wave pool. Of course he was near the shore and we held him but, he wasn't scared or anything. His bad habit is that he has become a screamer. A high pitched screamer. This is not out of anger mind you. He just likes to scream. Unfortunately, my ears can no longer duplicate that particular pitch. It's not as high as a little girl but it could break glass if left to continue. lol I came home Thursday night just in time to attend a concert at church by the MCC of San Francisco Chorus. They were making history and on their way to Miami to compete in GALA. The first gay and lesbian chorus to be chosen to compete. They were truly amazing.
Let's see, what else. Oh, we finally bought a chest of drawers and had it delivered yesterday. And Lori was able to fix the fan on the frig by herself with the part Sears sent. She swears the house isn't going to burn down with her wiring skills.
We also bought a cage for our retarded cat Luna. Oh, and I saved this for last because I know SOME people will say mean things and I feel safe that they won't read this far...Someone hit a cat in our neighborhood. Turns out it was a mother cat and her four babies were in the backyard of the vacant house next to us so guess what? We have been feeding them with an eye dropper and they are now prety fat little balls of fur. I'm not going to say anything more about them least I incriminate myself but, I will say their names are Cali, Tiger Lily, Keeko and Socks.

The black and white one is Socks and the one in the back is Keeko

This is Cali- very passive and purrs a lot.

And last but not least is Tiger Lily.
Okay, well, this has become ridiculousy long so, I am going to go to bed pretty soon here. I will try to post more tomorrow but, then, you know how I am. It may be a week from tomorrow.
Holy hell they are cute!! :)
As for the veteran -- well, take some satisfaction in the fact that he lost one leg for straights and one leg for us.
The rat bastard. :P
Missed ya!
keep socks!!! He/she is adorable!
Thats awesome that you went to pride, and got to have a vacation with your grandson. Things sound like they're going really well.
Any after surgery updates? How's the weight loss going?
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